- "パレオゲノミクスで紐解く日本人集団の系譜", ポストGWAS時代の遺伝統計学 オミクス解析と機械学習でヒト疾患を俯瞰する (https://www.yodosha.co.jp/yodobook/book/9784758104104/ )
- "Tracing genetic origins and legacy of Japanese populations: insights from ancient genomics in insular East Asia", Seminar at University College London, London, UK (Talk)
- "Exploring the past to understand our health today: an ancient genomics study in insular East Asia", Seminar at Trinity Translational Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland (Talk)
- "Genomic insights into human past and health from a study of insular East Asia", TTMI Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland (Talk)
- "Ancient human and pathogen genomics in the Japanese archipelago", Paleogenomics and Paleopathology – Future perspective -, Online (Talk)
- "A paleogenomic time travel to pre- and proto-historic Japan", TCD Asian Studies Lecture Series, Dublin, Ireland (Talk)
- "パレオゲノミクスから探る現代日本人のルーツ", 第33回高遠・分子細胞生物学シンポジウム, オンライン (Talk)
- "Paleogenomic analysis on human demography and adaptation in insular East Asia", ASHBi Seminar, Kyoto, Japan (Talk)